Tagged: jessica rabbit model

Your nipples look weird you anorexic slut – Part two – Lauren Langley and AndromedaX

Read part one here

One of the more head-scratching insults thrown at any woman that clearly isn’t a 23 year old cheerleader is ‘Tranny!’

Now, one of the qualifications for being an idiot is of course being stupid. But it takes a very special level of Numpty to describe the teeny-tiny, icily beautiful gothic model AndromedaX, or the jaw-droppingly voluptuous glamour model Lauren Langley as blokes in frocks. Trannies? Really?  REALLY? What kind of men have you been hanging around with?

By ‘Tranny’ I think they mean ‘Different type of femininity wot I have not seen never in my life before, and therefore I’m confused and slightly worried,’ rather than ‘I truly believe you have a penis and are trying to trick us,’.  But you never know.

Here’s a picture of Lauren Langley:

And here’s a picture of AndromedaX:

As you can see, they both kinda look a lot like girls.  Some of the really convincing transvestites and transexuals also look like girls.  But the vast majority of people with breasts, hips, round little bottoms, feminine faces and no adam’s apple are, well, girls. The fact that somebody can look at a photograph of a woman in stylised makeup, or with larger boobs than average and think ‘GASP!  THAT WOMAN HAS A PENIS!‘ just blows my mind.

Here is Lauren and AndromedaX talking about the ‘Tranny’ type comments.

Lauren: ‘Are you a sex change?’ always a favorite. Yes I am five nine. But my vag is very much my own!

AndromedaX: I get called a transsexual/transvestite as well.

Lauren: Two of my friends are transsexuals I find it insulting that people consider that an appropriate insult. I guess my look is quite ‘in your face’ and AndromedaX’s is too and that is probably challenging for some people. But it still hurts although I expect it more now.

AndromedaX: Yeah it doesn’t offend me at all, and I have always said that I’m a transvestite male trapped in a woman’s body! 🙂 It’s sad that some people see it as an insult.

Lauren: I say EXACTLY the same thing, which is probably how these rumors get started. I have always had a love of the theatrical, I watch Drag queen tutorials on YouTube, I think they can look immense, just a shame people are so ignorant that that is the best way they can think of to insult a girl. But I have to say I love your look and its very feminine so I have to say it probably just stems from envy. Though it’s hard to feel that at the time.

AndromedaX: I think for me its just that I dress flamboyantly a lot of the time, plus I have been told I have quite a masculine bone structure, jawline etc.

Lauren: You have great bone structure, but it’s not masculine. I just have an over the top look when I model which is an exaggerated version of femininity. So I guess that is where that comes from.
It’s nice to see alternative forms of beauty and I have admired the work of all the girls on this thread at some point or another specifically BECAUSE their beauty is not cookie cutter. That is so boring.

Although it’s interesting (and I hope, a bit therapeutic) to take the piss out of stupid people for making stupid, hurtful comments at beautiful and talented women, there is a point to this entire ramble. And it’s this:

People that make nasty comments to you personally are doing it because they’re nasty, not because you are. It doesn’t matter who you are, somebody is going to say you’re fake, you’re a slut, you’re a man, you’re too fat or too thin, you’re flat chested or your tits are too big. It doesn’t matter if you’re ultra, super feminine, spectacularly otherworldly or a natural, unembellished beauty. People will be dicks to you because you’re on the Internet. And if people can say nasty, thoughtless things about these three very different models, they can say it about anybody.

Read part one here

Lauren Langley profile

AndromedaX profile

Chrissie Red website